Coming home turned out to be 14 mph headwinds with gusts to 21, but I did really well with them. It only took an extra 5 or 10 minutes, and I didn't feel particularly tired when I got home. I think it helped that I set my own pace since I didn't run into Mike on the way home. I enjoy the companionship but he really runs me ragged! The longer commute is taking some getting used to, but after this evening's ride, I think I'll be up to it.
The headwinds on the trip home really accumulated on me, especially going uphill. I think it might have been even windier up where I was. It sure seemed so.
Congratulations on withstanding the new route!
It will get easier with time and soon you will be a lean mean commuting machine.
That is impressive that you commute so far. Is it flat or hilly? Keep up the good work and be safe.
I live on one side of the river and work on the other, so there is a steady downhill grade for the first half of the commute, then a steady uphill on the second half, no matter which direction I'm traveling. Also, near my office there are a series of short but steep hills to contend with.
Gorgeous sky!
Nice!! Great Post!
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