I enjoyed an evening ride with Fort Worth's new mayor, Betsy Price, this evening. During the Tour de France, she and her husband Tom do daily rides around Fort Worth and call it, not surprisingly, the
Tour de Fort Worth. Having just been elected mayor, she opened up the ride to any and all that want to join her. It's pretty cool that the mayor of a city of 750,000 makes herself accessible this way.
rode a short route, just under 10 miles, because several riders did not have lights with them. As the "local" who knows the area, she allowed me to pick the route. I touched on some of the best spots the Night Riders go: Cutting through Fairmount, through Berkley Place, down Zoo Hill, up the Trinity Trail to Trinity Park, a quick tour of the West 7th area, and then Downtown before heading back to our starting point. We rode several of the recently installed bike lanes. About the only "political" issue I brought up was the rough pavement in some areas.