I rode over to Orchard Park Road and headed north...

...to Harlem Road which would take me north to Cheektowaga.

This is Louie's Texas Red Hots. I've never heard of hot dogs being called Red Hots here in Texas, but in Buffalo that's what they call 'em.

This is where Buffalo Creek and Cayuga Creek come together to form the Buffalo River.

The Polish Villa Restaurant; come get your pierogis! Lots of Poles in Buffalo (including my family).

In case you haven't noticed, that's a garbage truck I'm following; it's trash day.

Hundred-year-old homes, last remodeled fifty years ago.

One of the biggest hills I rode when I was growing up- the bridge over the rail yard.

And the rail yard.

Time to start looking for my past. This first stop was an attempt to find my great-great-grandfather's grave. The graveyard lies right next to the train tracks.

I looked where I thought it should be, but couldn't find it. I found some interesting markers though. A World War I veteran:

And a World War II veteran:

This guy could be related; my great-grandfather listed in his immigration paperwork a Koscielniak as a cousin he would be staying with when he came to America.
Enough graveyards- time for breakfast, a breakfast wrap combo at Tim Horton's. Yum.

Getting closer to my hood. These are post-war homes from the 40s and 50s

Finally, the house I grew up in.

It's seen better days. Looks like it could use a new roof.
This is Mr. Hank. He is the best next-door neighbor ever. He's over 90 years old now, and still pretty active. (That's my parents' old house in the background.)

One of the prominent features in our neighborhood was the volunteer fire hall at the end of the street.

There were three bars that were "staggering distance" from the house I grew up in. Otto's is one of them.

This used to be Waring's Grocery, the corner store where I used to buy bottles of Orange Crush for ten cents. (That's the fire hall in the background.)

Now I will bore you with my academic career. I went to these schools. I started at North Hill Elementary.

Then in fourth grade I switched over to Maryvale Elementary (background), which was next to the library (foreground)

During my childhood, my hometown was reaching its peak population of a little over 100,000. The 50s and 60s saw the building of many schools. Now, both of the schools where I went through sixth grade are no longer public schools. North Hill, I think, is now a private school, and Maryvale Elementary is now a continuing/community education building, and the library is now an archives and records center for the town. The Maryvale School District once had 4 elementary schools; now they just have one. The population of Cheektowaga has dropped to less than 75,000. It ain't what it used to be.
The high school is still in operation, but even there change is evident.

Ack. There's that Pegasus again.

At the end of Maryvale Drive you can look across a parking lot and almost see the airport.

The neighborhood around the school is more post-war houses. I kind of like this style.

Time to head south.

I didn't take too many pictures because the traffic near the airport and on Transit Road can be pretty heavy. Eventually, though, I cut over to Borden Road which is a little more mellow.

This is the Nickel Creek Cafe. It is typical of inns that were built when the area was still rural. Many of these inn/pubs were "gin mills" (a term my mom used) where old men went to get schnockered. Now I guess they are becoming restaurants.

This is "Nickel" Creek I guess. (It's really Buffalo Creek, but the cafe name references the old buffalo nickel.)

By now things are getting more rural and scenic. This is Leydecker Road.

This is scenic Cazenovia Creek.

Still climbing up Leydecker Road.

The building on the right was part of a "grove." Groves were private picnic areas that were rented out for outdoor events during the summer. My dad was a member of several clubs and fraternal organizations that held summer picnics at groves.

There was usually polka music, beer on tap, pop for the kids, grilled hot dogs, burgers and chicken, maybe a pony ride, and a sawdust pile. The idea behind a sawdust pile is they would put a bunch of money in it and we kids would dig through and try to find as much as we could. We would be put in by age, and they would restock the nickels, dimes and quarters in between age groups. The older kids didn't go in for such kid stuff though; instead, once we got to a certain age, it was more fun to sneak off down to the creek (groves always seemed to have creek access) and catch crawfish (pronounced "crayfish") and take them home as pets (but they never lasted very long).
I don't think too many of the old groves are still open. I think the popularity of the Knights of Columbus, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and other groups my dad belonged to has waned, and the family picnics are less common, so the groves now sit idle.
And there you have it- my personal trip down memory lane. I could be wrong in some of my memories, but I like them that way. ;)
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Although none of those are my memories, they resemble some of mine growing up in NE Indiana in the 60's and 70's. I know the times weren't any easier then, but it was a great time to be a kid.
BTW, we stop by a Timmy's every year on our jaunt through your home state for a doughnut and cup of coffee. Those chocolate cake doughnuts are my favorite!
I enjoyed the tour. My own feelings of nostalgia of visiting the old home place were stirred from going back with you.
That chocolate donut really did look fabulous.
I like getting a real world look around places I've never been, like Buffalo. Usually you just get photos of scenic spots.
I've always found it interesting to look around old cemeteries. There is lots of history to be discovered.
Great post; I think your Mom was a bit surprised when you headed out on your bike for the day. :-)
I like the post war homes too.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane- it's cool to hear about traditions and cultural events that are specific to a region.
How far was the ride that day?
A nice trip to nostalgia, Doohickie. Thanks for that.
Hey Doohickie, great post, I really enjoyed it. That bike in the cemetary pic is a keeper... I find it quite striking.
Taking pics of all those spots is a great idea... I think I may do that next time I'm home.
Feels like there's a Tim Horton's every couple of blocks here in London Ontario...
Yes, RANTWICK, I believe you're right. It's what makes the Canadians a more civil society than the U.S. ;-)
Heidi- I rode 30 miles that day.
As for the scenes of Buffalo... I started out at the south end of West Seneca, and went west (toward Buffalo), then north, skirting the eastern border of Buffalo, so the houses are a little older, closer together, etc. To me, that was what neighborhoods are supposed to look like. The schools are toward the northern end of Cheektowaga, my hometown. West Seneca and Cheektowaga are approximately the size of standard mid-western townships (i.e., 6 miles square).
Coming back, I rode about 5 miles east, away from the city, resulting in a more rural scene.
My mom was a little surprised I rode that far. It actually took me from early morning to almost dinner time to cover only 30 miles, but it was definitely a dawdle ride. I stopped frequently and looked around, especially on the outbound portion of the trip.
Very nice view into the past! Thanks, Paul!!
Peace :)
I would love to have the big hill you took a pic of, be my big hill. Alas. Ah, Tim Hortons - always a saver of souls! It was fun "riding" with you; bet you were glad when you were able to stop following that garbage truck!
I'm glad to see you still ride the Raleigh Marathon, Old Boy--still have mine and a great bike. Thanks for the great photos! Cheers! Bruce
Sadly, I had a mishap with the Marathon and it is no longer rideable. I had a collision with another cyclist in a parking lot prior to a charity ride. The chain broke and got caught and the dropout got mangled. I'm not sure its salvageable. I do, however, have another Raleigh of similar vintage- a Super Course, which is a much nicer bike.
A follow-up: The news of the Marathon's demise was premature. It is no longer suitable as a drop-bar tourer, but I made a nice two-speed run-about out of it.
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